You, Me, and the Cubes is available for 200 Club Nintendo FunBuxx this month in America. It's an excellent way to spend your fun money, but I'd recommend it even if you have to pay actual legal currency.
My review doesn't go into much detail about the music or the multiplayer mode, but rest assured, every part of You, Me, and the Cubes is just as wonderfully and woefully discomfiting as what I've described.
I also neglected to mention the game's creator, Kenji Eno, although knowing he made it undoubtedly influenced my conviction that You, Me, and the Cubes is about more than tipping boxes in space. I found a fascinating ten-page interview Shane Bettenhausen and James Mielke conducted with Eno prior to this game's release while preparing this critique, and I highly recommend reading the whole article, even if you've never heard of Kenji Eno before.